Monday, February 20, 2012


It's funny how one new pair of shoes can completely change your entire outlook.

For the past year my perspective on exercising has been indefinite. I'll have a week where I work out consistently, and then a month when I don't head to the gym at all. However, the recent purchase of a new pair of Nikes has suddenly motivated me to start becoming more active. In fact, for over two months now I have been consistenly crossing paths with the gym-- and if not the gym, the outdoors. My friend and I decided to take a hike on a trail in Orange County this weekend, and it definitely provided a decent workout. And, being California, the views were excellent as well. This is actually our second hiking adventure (the first covered cliffs along the beach), and I cannot wait to find our next trail to explore!

ultimate motivaters

beautiful views

various trails

photo break

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate. I just went hiking the other day and felt so energized afterwards.
